刘美丽,1996年8月出生,山西省兴县人,民族(汉族),群众,职称讲师,博士。2018年7月于山西师范学校数学与应用数学专业本科毕业,2018—2023年于西安电子科技大学数学专业博士研究生毕业。在Computer Networks,Reliability Engineering and System Safety,Chinese Physics B等期刊发表学术论文。
1. Liu M L, Qi X G, Pan H. Optimizing communication network geodiversity for disaster resilience through shielding approach[J]. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2022, 228.
2. Liu M L, Qi X G, Pan H. Construction of network topology and geographical vulnerability for telecommunication network[J]. Computer Networks, 2022, 205.
3.Liu M L, Qi XG, Pan H, et al. Roots-tracing of communication network alarm: A real-time processing framework[J]. Computer Networks, 2021, 192.
4. Liu M L, Qi X G, Pan H. Multifractal analysis of the software evolution in software networks[J]. Chinese Physics B, 2022,31(03): 245-252.