宋蔷薇,1982年4月出生,山西省襄汾县人,汉族,中共党员,教授,硕士生导师,博士。2003年7月于永利集团304am登录数学与应用数学专业本科毕业,2003—2006年于永利集团304am登录基础数学专业硕士研究生毕业,2006—2009年于上海大学基础数学专业博士研究生毕业。出版专著1部,在《Science China Mathematics》,《Frontiers of Mathematics in China》,《Communications in Algebra》等期刊发表学术论文18篇。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:“非正规子群链与有限p群结构的研究”,2019年,项目编号:11901367,在研(主持);
1.《有限p群的正规性与交换性》,中国原子能出版社, 2019年11月出版.
1.Qiangwei Song, Lijian An,Isolated subgroups of finite p-groups.,Bulletin of the australian mathematical society, 2022, 105(3): 449—457.
2.Qiangwei Song, Haipeng Qu,Finite p-groups whosenonnormal subgroups are metacyclic,Science China Mathematics, 2020, 63(7): 1271—1284;
3.Qiangwei Song,Finite p-groups whose length of chain of Nonnormal subgroups is at most 2,Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 2020, 46: 737—754.
4.Qiangwei Song, Qinhai Zhang,Finite 2-groups whose Length of chain of nonnormal subgroups is at most 2,Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2018, 13(5): 1075—1097;
5.Qiangwei Song, Lihua Zhang, A classification of regular p-groups with type (e1,e2,1), Advances in Mathematics(China), 2018, 47(2): 215—223.
6.Qiangwei Song,Finite two-generator p-groups with cyclic derived group, Communications in Algebra, 2013, 41: 1499—1513.
7.Qiangwei Song,Fangfang Xue,Finite p-groups which have a maximal subgroup is full-normal (p>2), International Journal of Algebra, 2011, 5(29), 1421—1426.
8.Qiangwei Song, Haipeng Qu, Xiuyun Guo, Finite p-groups of class 3 all of whose proper sections have class at most 2, Algebra Colloquium, 2010, 17(2): 191—201.
9. Qinhai Zhang,Qiangwei Song, Mingyao Xu, A classification of some regular p-groups and its applications, Science in China: Series A Mathematics, 2006, 49(3):366—386.