王丽芳,1978年11月出生,山西省长治县人,汉族,九三社员,教授,硕士生导师,博士。2000年7月于永利集团304am登录数学教育专业本科毕业,2000—2003年于永利集团304am登录应用数学专业硕士研究生毕业,2003—2006年于中山大学基础数学专业博士研究生毕业。主要从事有限群论方向研究,曾主持国家青年科学基金项目、国家数学天元基金项目和山西省青年科技基金项目各1项,先后参加了多项国家自然基金的研究工作。出版专著1部,在《Comm.Alg.》,《J. Group Theory》,《Algebra Colloq.》,《J. Korea Math. Soc.》,《数学学报》等国内外重要期刊上发表学术论文20余篇。2008年确定为山西省高校优秀青年学术带头人。
2. 子群性质对有限群结构的影响,数学天元青年基金,2008.01至2008.12,项目编号:10726002(主持);
3. p群在可解群中的若干应用,国家青年科学基金,2012.01至2014.12,项目编号:11101252(主持)
1.Wang, Lifang,Finite p-groups whose normal closures of non-normal subgroups have two orders.J. Korean Math. Soc.59(2022),no. 4,805–819.
2.Wang, Lifang,Finitep-groups whose number of subgroups of each order is at mostp4.Algebra Colloq.26(2019),no. 3,411–424.
3.Wang, Lifang,Finite 2-groups whose number of subgroups of each order are at most 24.Commun. Math. Stat.6(2018),no. 2,207–226.
4.Wang, Lifang,Finite p-groups whose non-abelian subgroups have the same center.J. Korean Math. Soc.54(2017),no. 4,1109–1120.
5.Wang, Li Fang;Zhang, Qin Hai,Finite p-groups with a class of complemented normal subgroups.Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.)33(2017),no. 2,278–286.
6.Wang, Lifang;Qu, Haipeng,Finite groups in which the normal closures of non-normal subgroups have the same order.J. Algebra Appl.15(2016),no. 7,1650125, 15 pp.
7.Wang, Lifang;Zhang, Qinhai,Finite 2-groups whose non-abelian subgroups have the same center.J. Group Theory17(2014),no. 4,689–703.
9.Wang, Lifang;Wang, Yanming,Finite groups with transitive semipermutability.Front. Math. China3(2008),no. 1,101–108.
10.Wang, Li Fang;Wang, Yan Ming,A remark on Z-permutability of finite groups.Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.)23(2007),no. 11,1985–1990.
11.Wang, Lifang;Wang, Yanming,On s-semipermutable maximal and minimal subgroups of Sylow p-subgroups of finite groups.Comm. Algebra34(2006),no. 1,143–149.
12.Zhang, Qin Hai;Wang, Li Fang,The influence of s-semipermutable subgroups on the structure of finite groups. (Chinese)Acta Math. Sinica (Chinese Ser.)48(2005),no. 1,81–88.
13.Zhang, Qinhai;Wang, Lifang,Finite non-abelian simple groups which contain a non-trivial semipermutable subgroup.Algebra Colloq.12(2005),no. 2,301–307.